
After a fascinating TESOL Greece International Conference last weekend, I’m now getting ready for an event I have been looking forward to for a whole year: IATEFL Liverpool! I’m so excited because it’s my first IATEFL ever and because I’m going to attend amazing talks, see friends, and meet colleagues face-to-face.

My session is on Tuesday 9 and that’s another reason to get excited. It’s on Internet safety and how it can be integrated into the ELT classroom.

If you come to my session, I would highly appreciate your feedback and insights, as this is the topic I’m currently exploring for the purpose of my MA dissertation. If you can’t come but want to share your insights, concerns or experiences in regard to this topic, your contribution would be more than welcome 🙂

I want to wish all presenters good luck with their sessions and thank IATEFL for organising such a great event 🙂



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